If you’re the type of person who dreads cleaning windows, you’ll love the new technological advancement of self-cleaning windows! You won’t need a bucket and soapy water; the combination of rain and sun is enough to keep them sparkling. How does this happen? Read on to learn more!
What is self-cleaning glass?
Unlike ordinary glass, self-cleaning windows have an extremely thin outer layer of titanium dioxide, best known for adding a gleam to toothpaste, paint and many other bright, white items we use. Titanium dioxide derives from the white in white paint. It is a powdered compound that is very thin and lessens the light that is passed through the windows in comparison to uPVC windows in Dublin.
How does self-cleaning glass work?
The titanium dioxide works in a two part process: hydrophilic (water-loving) and photocatalytic (light-activated)
We all know that when it rains, the rain runs down our windows, leaving streaky lines as it falls. However, the titanium dioxide changes the drops into water molecules that spread themselves out evenly, much like a large cleaning cloth. The sheet of water is distributed evenly and neatly so the glass is dried, minus all the smears and streaks that we have to work hard to get clean. Whatever type of windows you have, always seek advice from professionals such as windows and doors by Keane Windows to ensure quality.
Titanium dioxide needs the right type of light to shine on it – in this case, ultraviolet (UV) light. The effect of ultraviolet light hitting the titanium dioxide layer creates electrons, which changes the water molecules and makes a chemical oxidation and reduction reaction so that the dirt is loosened. This is done from the inside out. Because it’s split up into smaller particles, it makes it easier for the rain to wash away.
Whilst these self-cleaning miracles are more expensive initially, they’re designed to function for the window’s lifetime, so it’s a sure bet that they’ll save you both money and time. Although they clean themselves more slowly than if your window cleaner had done it, and they rely on sun and rain to aid the process, it minimises the risk of accidents from a wobbly ladder! Coming in various sizes, they can also be installed with inner heat-reflecting layers to improve energy efficiency.