Security technologies have advanced significantly over time, and new systems are more versatile than ever before. Many security devices, such as Security by Reliant, are automated and controllable via an app on your phone, from digital security cameras to remote-controlled locks. This gives you peace of mind by giving you access to all of the crucial details about your home right in the palm of your hand. It would be best to discover reviews related to American home insurances.

If you wish to go the extra mile and discover more ways to secure your home more than a security system, or if you rent or can’t afford a home security system, here is a list of seven tips that might help prevent burglars from breaking into your home.

1.  Don’t leave valuables out in the open.

One of the popular threads on this list is to avoid making yourself a priority — this is the best value piece of advice we can offer. If it doesn’t appear that you have anything to rob, burglars will be enticed to move on to the next home. Hold your sweet car in the driveway if you have one. Shut the windows at night if you have a large TV. If you’ve just purchased something valuable, don’t leave the box on the street. It’s advisable to read reviews from

2.  Secure the doors

Don’t assist a burglar in entering through the front door (34% do!). Check all of your exterior doors to ensure that the door frames are sturdy, the hinges are stable, and that no one can reach through the mail slot to open the door.

Change the door locks if you’re moving into a house that was previously occupied by someone else. You won’t have to bother yourself about strangers getting a key to your home, and you’ll be able to ensure that your locks are the best on the market.

3.  Light up your Landscape

Criminals such as vandals, burglars, and other thieves dislike being in the spotlight. With plenty of outdoor lighting, you can keep the bad guys at bay. Lights should be placed in your front and back yards, along sidewalks, and near garages and other outdoor structures. You’ll not only make intruders uncomfortable, but you’ll also will the chances of tripping on the way up the front stairs.

4.  Don’t make your leave known.

To stick with the teamwork theme, if you’re going to be away from home for an extended period, make your neighbors collect your mail, mow your lawn, and do other things to keep your house from looking bare. Even leaving your car in the usual place will give burglars the impression that your house is vacant and a possible target.

If you don’t relate with your neighbors, you can put a hold on your mail via the USPS and leave a few lamps on in the house to give the impression that someone is home. You won’t have to think about the mail piling up because of the Postal Service.

5.  Investment in motion-activated lighting.

Motion-activated lights, mainly when used in conjunction with a more extensive automated home system, can be an excellent last-ditch deterrent to burglars and criminals. A sudden spotlight will usually persuade a burglar to abandon his break-in attempt.

6.  Maintain the security of your second floor.

Although your first-floor doors and windows can be safe, we sometimes underestimate the significance of securing our second-floor entry points. Burglars can attempt to access your home from the second floor if you don’t have window alarms, glass-break detectors, or locks. Close all windows at night and when you’re out. Consider turning on a light or two with smart plugs when you’re out to give the impression that someone is home.

7.  Request a police review of your house.

Many police departments will happily perform home checks for public members if they are uncertain whether their home is safe. They will help you understand possible risk factors and places where you may be vulnerable to break-ins and other hazards because of their experience.